
Neoheal®. Sterile hydrogel dressings for moist wound management

Neoheal is a modern and unique hydrogel dressing recommended for treatment of burns, ulcerations, bedsores and all kinds of skin damages in which humid medium is favorable.

Neoheal was developed by using the special Hydrogel -Technology with the innovative concept of “Moist Wound Healing”. A wound which keeps moist can heal faster because newly formed cells can divide and move faster under such environment than under a wound scab.

Hydrogel dressings Neoheal are an aqueous composition of natural and synthetic polymers such as: polyvinylopyrrolidone, polyethylene glycol and agar, cross-linked by a beam of electrons. Thanks to radiation processing the product features sufficient mechanical strenght and is fully sterile. In the end-use form it represents 3 mm thick hydrogel sheet, containing over 90% of water.

Advantages of moist wound healing

  • Decreased dehydration and cell death (Neutrophils, macrophages, & fibroblast necessary for wound healing cannot thrive in a dry environment)
  • Increased angiogenesis
  • Enhanced autolytic debridement
  • Increased re-epithelialization (Dry crusted wounds decrease supply of blood and nutrients which thus results in a barrier to cell migration and slowing of epithelialization.)
  • Decreased pain (Moist wound bed insulates and protects nerve endings thereby reducing pain.)

The concept of moist wound healing was first proposed by Winter  50 years ago, and subsequently an impressive number of studies has supported its value. The wound bed undergoes desiccation necrosis in the absence of adequate hydration, which can lead to a destructive cycle: the wound is debrided to healthy tissue, which then desiccates, creating more necrotic cellular debris to be removed. Subsequently, the wound may become deeper and larger. Various enzymes involved in autolytic debridement function only in an aqueous environment, and the various peptide growth factors and other molecules that mediate cellular repair can only be effective in solution.


Hydrogel dressing is transparent and flexible but mechanically strong enough, absorbs effectively body fluids, acts as an efficient barrier against bacteria, adheres well to the wound, enables the oxygen to penetrate through the volume of dressing to the wound surface.

Hydrogel dressings produced by KIKGEL have been applied for healing all kinds of wounds since 1992. Moreover they are used in routine medical practice in Poland and some other countries.

Clinical use of Neoheal dressings showed that:

  • already after first exchanges of the dressings burning pain ceases, gives feeling of “soothing” action to the sick person,
  • during the change of the dressing, contaminations, discharges, fibrin and necrosis tissues are removed, leaving non-damaged granulation,
  • change of the dressings is painless,
  • the dressing protects the wound well against drying and external infection,
  • the dressings prevent skin from occuring overgrowth scars.

Neoheal dressings are specially recommended for skin injuries by children. They do not adhere to the wounds, painless clean contaminated wounds and heal them without appearing crusts.

Advantages of NEOHEAL hydrogel dressing

  • Promotes fast healing through maintenance of an optimal moist environment
  • Cools, soothes local pain and discomfort
  • Helps protect wounds from external contamination
  • Absorbs wound secretions
  • Permeable to water vapor and oxygen but impermeable to bacteria
  • Does not adhere to the wound, allowing the dressing to be removed without trauma
  • Conforms easily to any contour of the body
  • Transparent to enable wound observation and assessment of healing process
  • Biocompatible, non-cytotoxic, non-allergenic

NEOHEAL creates a moist environment on the skin surface, assists in autolytic cleansing of dead tissues, and exerts a positive influence on the processes of granulation and epidermisation of the wound.

The dressing adheres well to the surface of the wound but is not adhesive; thus application and removal is painless.

NEOHEAL absorbs exudate from wounds and traps it, along with bacteria, in its structure. NEOHEAL is elastic and flexible and makes it possible to dress hard-to-access body parts such as the face and areas around joints.

The NEOHEAL dressing is transparent, enabling observation of the wound site or primary dressing and minimising the frequency of changing dressings. Thanks to its properties it can be used as a secondary dressing for many drugs and preparations placed directly on the wound.

The unique structure of the dressing creates a barrier to external bacteria, yet enables the skin to ‘breathe’.

The high water content of the dressing provides soothing qualities in cases of superficial burns and swelling caused, for example, by insect bites.

The dressing is non-cytotoxic and fully biocompatible.

“Sheet hydrogel was found to be a successful substitute for porcine and/or cadaver skin in a variety of burn and burn-related wounds. The product performed well as a temporary dressing used as part of the sandwich technique, as a full-face dressing in ventilated burn patients, and to promote desloughing of partial-thickness burns. Hydrogel does not appear to stimulate an inflammatory response and facilitates burn preparation for surgical debridement. It is absorbent and well tolerated by patients who report no pain associated with the dressing change or between dressing changes.”

Preparation to use

The Neoheal dressings are packed in moulds, covered with foil and it is placed in tight, closed foil envelope. Before using the dressing, check if the envelope has not been damaged or opened, otherwise the product can be not sterile. Taking out the dressing:

  • Tear an envelope and take the dressing out
  • Catch a small piece of sticking out fibre, next carefully take the hydrogel out from the mould. The foil, sticked on the top facilitates taking out of the dressing, therefore it should not be removed before taking out of the hydrogel
  • Apply the dressing to the wound with that side which has adhered to the bottom of the mould and remove the covering foil
  • Attach the dressing to the wound with bandage or net band.

Remember to use dressings suitable to the size of wound. In spite of the flexibility of the dressing, it should not be tensioned during applying on the wound and care should be taken in order to adhere it to the healthy skin around the wound. ATTENTION The dressing taken out from the package, and not used immediately, loses its sterility and cannot be used later.


Recommended method of burn wounds healing with Neoheal dressing

  • Damaged surfaces, due to action of high temperature, should be covered as soon as possible with the Neoheal dressing.
  • Replace the dressing at first cure days every 12-24 hours.
  • Possibly early, at first/second day of healing, burn-bubbles should be taken off and remaining necrosis tissues should be removed. The dressing should be immediately applied on the wound.


In case of burns without visible damage of skin cooling the injury place takes the most important action. What’s more the whole wound should be covered with Neoheal dressing as soon as possible. In that way the distempers of the skin physiological processes and bubbles formation are prevented. The Neoheal ensures proper exchange of the heat and moisture balance. It is an effective barrier against external infections. Early use of the Neoheal dressing makes healing process lasting (burns of I and II degree) approximately 7-10 days.


In case of second and third degree of burn wounds the Neoheal should be put immediately and the patient has to contact with a doctor as soon as possible. The Neoheal dressing cools the wound, relives pain and prevents from an infection. By the treatment of infected wounds, crusts and deep necrosis the dressing can remain for maximum 24 hours. Neoheal is used during skin grafts procedures: Preparation of granulation tissue before putting skin graft on, protection of places after taking skin grafts out and protection of net skin grafts as well.


Start of the treatment does not need any initial intervention. Applied Neoheal dressing: reduces the local pain, assists the autolysis cleaning of the wound, cleans the wound from the purulent discharge, which is absorbed into the dressing and is removed by its replacement, stimulates processes of growing granulation tissue. At the time of abundant exudation at first healing days it is recommended to put a layer of antiseptic gauze on the Neoheal dressing. Neoheal can be applied in compression therapy.


Small bedsores (even infected) may improve after 8-14 days with treatment as well as ulcerations. In case of extensive bedsores (over 1 dm2) the Neoheal dressing is recommended in preparation before the surgical treatment. NOTE By prolonged use of hydrogel dressings maceration of the skin around the wound may appear. In this case protection of the wound edges should be done with covering it with e.g. zinc ointment.

Removing of the dressing

Depending on the kind of wound and stage of the treatment, the degree of adhesion of Neoheal dressing to the skin and wound surface will change. In case of big amount of discharges, a replacement of the dressing every 12 hours is recommended (absorption ability is about 25 ml of discharge from 1 dm2 of the wound). However maximal time recommended for keeping the dressing on the wound is 48 hours.

In case of febrile patient or staying in dry, over-heated rooms the dressing dries faster, than in normal conditions. In order to prevent it the lost moisture must be completed. A poultice should be put on the whole surface of dressing (made of cooked or distilled water or physiological lotion) for 15-20 minutes. This soaking operation, restoring correct elasticity, should be performed as needed 2-4 times daily. Before the removal of the dressing its soaking is also recommended in order to facilitate taking off and eliminate the risk of damage wound granulation.





Ø5 cm


Ø6,5 cm


6×12 cm


10×10 cm


12×12 cm


12×24 cm


22×28 cm


facial mask 25×25 cm

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Batch code

Indicates the manufacturer’s batch code so that the batch or lot can be identified.

Use-by date

Indicates the date after which the medical device is not to be used.


Indicates the medical device manufacturer, asdefined in EU Directives: 90/385/EEC, 93/42/EEC and 98/79/EC.

Do not re-use

Indicates a medical device that is intended for one use, or for use on a single patient during a single procedure.

Do not resterilize

Indicates a madical device that is not to be resterilized.

Sterilized using irradiation

Indicates a medical device that has been sterilized using irradiation.

Keep dry

Indicates a medical device that needs to be protected from moisture.

Temperature limit

Indicates the temperature limits to which the medical device can be safely exposed.

Do not use if package is damaged

Indicates a medical device that should not be used if the package has been damaged or opened.

Keep clean

It means that after use, the packaging should be discarded in a suitable container so that it does not endanger or litter the environment.

CE mark

Indicates conformity with health, safety, and environmental protection standards for products sold within the European Economic Area (EEA)

Consult instructions for use

Indicates the need for the user to consult the instructions for use.